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Why my car needs to be insured?

It is many a time that people feel they don’t need auto insurance but do you know what auto insurance will do for your car and for you? Any responsible driver must have auto insurance and should you meet an accident, you will gain two advantages.

First, auto insurance will cover the car repair expenses, does not matter who was at fault. The insurance company will disburse the expenses even if it was your fault. Second, if the accident has caused an irreparable damage to your car then the insurance company will offer a cold cash to replace your damaged car.

What you must know is that car insurance comes with deductibles. These are the payments that are not carried by the insurance company if the insured is involved in an accident. You must pay this amount stated in the insurance policy, before the company pays up.

When you pay higher deductibles, the coverage of the insurance company decreases which in turn lowers the premium. A lower deductible means higher insurance premium. You must make sure whether you will be able to pay a higher deductible of your insurance. Whatever it is, the car insurance will bring you many benefits.
