1.255 billion dollars personal items and accessories are stolen each year from vehicles and for every theft. Experts believe that there are several break-ins as well as attempted break-ins. Multiple claims for break-ins, in addition to the area where the car is parked, can have a substantial impact on an insurance policy. If you are moving out of your area in order to attract a better auto insurance rate, there are certain things to keep in mind. With these preventable measures, you have a greater chance to reduce the vehicle being targeted as well as get an affordable automobile insurance rate. Lock Doors – Believe it or not, no matter how silly this piece of advice may be but up to a quarter of thefts are from unlocked doors. Whether you are leaving the car for just a second always keep the door close as unlocked cars are always an easy target. Keep Cars Tidy - Any worthless personal item visible from the outside could be seen as a carrier of valuables. You must be sure not to displa...
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