Most people are too eager to own a car but less too eager to have car insurance. You may ask yourself, why you need one. Well, if your life and you car are something that you care about then definitely you need to insure your car. Auto insurance coverage comes in different types, depending on what you want to cover and on how much you can afford. Here listed are some of the basic types of auto insurance coverage.
Bodily injury liability
This provides coverage for physical injury that is claimed by the people whom you might have injured in an accident
Property damage liability
In this auto insurance coverage, any property damages to a third party which you may have caused or responsible are covered.
Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury
This covers you if another party was at fault and you were injured and they have no insurance or insufficient insurance. Some states require only bodily injury losses while some include property damages as well.
There are two more important types of auto insurance coverage that you might want to know. They are comprehensive and collision under physical damage coverage.
The collision coverage covers damage to your car when it is involved in a collision. The comprehensive coverage, also known as ‘other than collision’ will cover damages in case of fire, theft, hail storm damage, vandalism or any natural causes.
Now you know the basic auto insurance types. With the internet at your finger tip, you can possibly find the best suitable auto insurance for your car.
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